Father & Entertainer

I’m a fun-loving dad of two boys who enjoy making kids laugh. This is one reason I entertain at kids’ birthday parties.
I remember my wife and I planning our son’s 1st birthday. The entire family was there. Kids ranged from little crawling babies to middle school kids running around the restaurant. It was at that moment I realized 1st birthday parties are the best! You have kids of all ages and families joking around, and the atmosphere is like no other birthday party.
Years have gone by, and some 5,000 birthday parties later, I still find myself enjoying the first birthday party. Plus, I’m a lot wiser about what makes for a good first birthday party, and I make sure I blog about these experiences to help future parents plan their child’s first birthday party.
Inquisitive parents always ask, “How did you get into this business?” I like to tell people that I learned my skills from a bunch of twisted people in college—a true statement. While in college, I met a group of professional entertainers who met every Monday night.
We would practice in the gym. And I learned from world-class jugglers, unicyclists, magicians, clowns, balloonists, fire-eaters, theatrical entertainers, and vaudevillians.
I did not realize at the time how lucky I was to be working with such talented people and the skills and techniques that were freely taught to me. I have used all my entertainment skills over the years, but have decided I would rather be a Master of one form of entertainment than a jack-of-all-trades. So, I became a master balloonist who specializes in 1st birthday parties.
Let’s talk about your child’s birthday party
It only takes a minute.
text or call
(708) 744-0234